Effortless Ctags with Git

08 Aug 2011

In case you’ve been living under a programming rock, Ctags (specifically Exuberant Ctags, not the BSD version shipped with OS X) indexes source code to make it easy to jump to functions, variables, classes, and other identifiers in (among other editors) Vim (see :help tags). The major downside to Ctags is having to manually rebuild that index all the time. That’s where the not-so-novel idea of re-indexing from various Git commit hooks comes in.

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Seven habits of effective text editing

Bram Moolenaar

November 2000

If you spend a lot of time typing plain text, writing programs or HTML, you can save much of that time by using a good editor and using it effectively. This paper will present guidelines and hints for doing your work more quickly and with fewer mistakes.

The open source text editor Vim (Vi IMproved) will be used here to present the ideas about effective editing, but they apply to other editors just as well. Choosing the right editor is actually the first step towards effective editing. The discussion about which editor is the best for you would take too much room and is avoided. If you don't know which editor to use or are dissatisfied with what you are currently using, give Vim a try; you won't be disappointed.

[Vim commands and options are printed in this font]

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Uber and Waymo Are Teaming Up: Is the Self-Driving Revolution Finally Here?

By Brett Schafer – Jun 1, 2023 at 8:21AM

After going through a textbook technology hype cycle, the promise of autonomous vehicles has finally arrived.

The relationship between new technologies and investors can be summed up by a term known as the Gartner hype cycle.

Tracking investor sentiment in relation to disruptive forces, the Gartner hype cycle says that when a new technology arrives, investors at first get irrationally excited about its potential and then disregard it when the ideas don't immediately result in concrete market opportunities. Then, when the technology finally does arrive in a business-driving way, it is barely covered in the news and gets little attention from investors. 

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  1. 黄色中心白色十字
  2. 白色中心白色十字
  3. 上左下右白色面
  4. 让接回回,让接回回第二层
  5. 黄十字,拨,上左下右,拨回来
  6. 黄色面,上左,下左,上左左下
  7. 角序,角一致朝自己,黄色面翻向自己,上右上,转两下,下左上,转两下,上上
  8. 完全好的面朝后,上右上左,上左上右,下右,上上



g++ sample.cpp -o sample $(python3-config --includes) $(python3-config --libs)


在C++中,R"()"是一种表示**原始字符串字面量(raw string literal)**的语法。
